It’s time. The holidays are upon us, and that requires a wish list.

As per tradition, I would first like to make a list of non-material things I would like:

  1. I would like the super power of never requiring sleep again. Think of everything I could accomplish all through the night while the rest of the world sleeps! It would be amazing!
  2. I would like the curiosity of my five-year-old, the imagination of my three-year-old, the determination of my two-year-old, and the combined energy of all three. I’d be unstoppable.
  3. I would like a laundry-maid whose sole job is to gather, sort, wash, dry, fold, and put away the laundry. I might request a house-elf to do this task, except I’d run into the issue of accidentally setting him free every time I passed him my dirty socks.
  4. I would like the leftist nutcases to stop ruining all the lovely fiction of the world, specifically Lord of the Rings and Star Trek. You guys are just the worst.

Alas, I’m afraid that those three impossible things are just that: impossible. But a girl can dream, can’t she?

But in all honesty, writing the following list has been a struggle this year. I just don’t want stuff. It sounds so corny, but the things I want are things like more time with my husband, more happy bonding with my children, and more confidence in my own self. Those are things you can’t wrap up and put under the Christmas tree.

Regardless, I’ve finally done some serious soul searching and I have come up with some more traditional Christmas gift ideas that are affordable, doable, practical, and things I would definitely enjoy opening on Christmas morning.

What I Want for Christmas:

  1. The “Little Women” Broadway musical piano book, spiral bound. It must be spiral bound, please and thank you.
  2. A pedometer to track my steps. No, I don’t want an app on my phone because I don’t always carry my phone around with me. I just want a legit pedometer that clips to my waist and tracks my steps throughout the day. And if that pedometer could wirelessly connect to my phone to ding when I reach a daily goal, then all the better. (And to go along with that pedometer I’d like the energy and willpower to get up and exercise more throughout the day, but we’ll just start with the pedometer.)
  3. Harry Potter-themed gnomes to decorate my bookshelves. Three gnomes, to be exact, decorated as Harry, Ron, and Hermione, and all with gold and red Gryffindor scarves.
  4. Faux-diamond stud earrings for casual daywear. I don’t mean that I actually want fancy, expensive diamond earrings because then I’d only wear them for fancy, expensive outings. Nope, I’d like diamond-looking earrings. Basic. Pretty. Simple. Easy.
  5. A puzzle with a personalized picture. Roughly 300 pieces is ideal, which is enough to complete in one sitting but still be challenging.
  6. Alphabet hole punches. I love hole punches, let’s be real. And I use my fancy hole punches all the time with homeschooling. Having alphabet hole punches would be amazing for both homeschooling projects, scrapbooking, and all sorts of crafting! Hooray, hooray, hooray!
  7. A weighted blanket. We just finished our basement and are eventually planning to put a home theater down there, and what home theater is complete without a snuggly blanket? And I’ve always wanted a nice weighted blanket, so the opportunity is perfect.