My husband and I have a very specific Christmas tradition of making and sharing Christmas Wish Lists, and I’m continuing that tradition this year.

It’s always a little awkward making a wish list because it feels so childish, but our lists are very useful to each other regardless. It’s nice not to have to guess for gifts and we can be as specific or as vague as we want to.

Still, it’s hard to come up with material possessions I’d like for Christmas. Every year I come back to the same conclusion: the things I really want for Christmas are immaterial:

  • I want to magically lose 5 pounds every time I eat a slice of cheesecake
  • I want my four-year-old to direct his *passionate independence* towards someone besides me
  • I want my husband to never have to work late again
  • I want some nice future sister-in-laws to find my brothers
  • I want my kitchen floor to never get crumby again
  • I want all of my days here in motherhood to be rosy and perfect without tantrums, poopy diapers, or whining
  • I want to have more time in my day
  • I want to have the courage to finish my novel without feeling so self-conscious about it
  • I want the power of teleportation…with all my children so I don’t have to pack and unpack them into the van nine million times a day; can I just snap my fingers and appear at wherever we are going please?
  • I want Covid to disappear…and all the silliness surrounding it

Oh, if only. Especially those sister-in-laws.

But alas, we’re focusing on the material possessions here for those interested in upholding the Christmas tradition of giving gifts.

Note that there are ten items on this list. That doesn’t mean that I expect to open ten gifts on Christmas morning or that I am demanding all of these gifts, or that I must have exactly the things that I’ve linked to. This list is simply a guideline for some ideas.



A “Mom of Boys” shirt. I love my boys and I love that I have all boys. I would love to wear this shirt loud and proud!

A 2-cup glass measuring cup. All of the numbers have faded on mine so you can’t actually measure anything with it, which, ya know, kind of defeats the purpose of having a measuring cup.

A personalized family birthday board. I super love these boards and I think they’re so cute. I don’t mind starting with just a few personalized tiles, maybe just my immediate family for now, but eventually I’d like birthday tiles for my parents/in-laws, siblings, and nieces/nephews (and birthday tiles for those future sister-in-laws too!).

A USA photo map. I’d love to hang this on my wall and fill it in with our pictures. I think I can fill in about ten states so far. I have a lot of traveling to still do!

A shirt or two from my Amazon Clothes Wish List. I keep a running list here of new clothes that I just can’t justify buying for myself…unless it’s a special occasion like Christmas, of course. I’m not asking for the whole list, just one nice item to help me feel classy.

This Harry Potter trivia book. I’ve dreamed of something like this for a long time. As a strict, books-only Harry Potter fan, it’s nigh impossible to find any good Harry Potter products out there that aren’t polluted with Daniel Radcliffe’s face…and then I found this! It’s a trivia/quiz game book based strictly on the Harry Potter books and I would love to get my hands on it.

This Harry Potter puzzle. Speaking of books-only Harry Potter products, I found and fell in love with this Harry Potter puzzle because of the beautiful art work. In fact, if I could find this in a poster instead of a puzzle I’d snap it up in a heartbeat. Still, I like puzzles and so I wouldn’t mind this one.

A set of circle hole punches. I always am surprised at how often I need to cut out circles smaller than what my circle cutter can do, and these would solve that problem nicely.

A set of pickleballs to go with my paddle. I have a pickleball paddle but no balls to actually play with. What’s up with that?

A gift card for a massage. Babysitting included. Please.

Thanks for reading and Merry Christmas!